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0Tamanna Chaudhary
Counseling PsychologyNot available in next 7 days
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Hi! I am Tamanna Chaudhary, Counselling Psychologist. I majorly grasp the significance of experiences, environment, motivations, coping mechanisms and other factors that dictate overt and covert behaviours in an individual with an empathetic approach. I have an understanding of peoples’ psyche which helps to look beyond their words and people who suffer from mental health issues to become healthier and better.
04:30 AM
01:30 PM
2 Years Experience
1 Hour Video
Addiction / Alcohol Addiction / Drug Anger / Anger management Anxiety / Acute stress Work / Career progress Schizophrenia / Substance induced psychosis Depression / Major Family / Conflict Unemployment / redundancy Grief / Bereavement Relationships / Codependency Personal / Personal developmentLanguages
English Hindi Panjabi, PunjabiEducation
Masters in Applied Psychology - Counselling
Amity University
Seasons Rehabilitation Centre India
2021 - 2023
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