Book Therapists worldwide
Book counselling with a qualified therapist easily and quickly. Talk online, by video calling. Here who's available next...
Hourly Fee
0Rogério Costa
Psicologia ClínicaBRAZIL
Next available on Monday
Future Hero
Hourly Fee
0Clara Roberts
Clinical PsychologySPAIN
Next available on Monday
Future Hero
Hourly Fee
0Amna Zahid
Clinical PsychologyPAKISTAN
Next available on Monday
Future Hero
Hourly Fee
0Yasir Ali
Counseling PsychologyPAKISTAN
Next available on Today
Future Hero
Hourly Fee
0Sana Moin
Clinical PsychologyINDIA
Not available in next 7 days
Future Hero
Make the world your private consultation room
Connect with thousands of certified mental health professionals by video call.
Focus on the help you need, when you need
How it Works
Easiest way to book therapist.
Create Account
Once you create your account your details will help the therapists to know who you are, saving time for you and the therapists. Those details will be only available to the specialists you select, maintaining the highest level of privacy at all times.
Find your Therapist
You can now search our database for the practitioner of your choice. Chose the gender, language and country of origin that suits your needs best.
Select your Therapist
As you previously narrowed the search parameters, now you can choose according to their areas of expertise, customer reviews and consultation rates. This section will also allow you to see available calendars according to the therapist’s availability.
Book your Appointment
After you found an available date for your initial consultation and clicked your preferred date, a notification will be sent to you to add payment details. Those details, including credit card details, will be secured and encrypted to make sure your personal information is always maintained under the strictest levels of privacy protection
Online Payment
At this point your preferred therapist will receive the appointment confirmation, automatically authorizing the operation by accepting your appointment, and releasing the online payment for the consultation as agreed. We use Credit Card, Stripe and other types of safe and reputable payment methods available for your convenience.
Meet your Doctor
When your appointment is due, all that is required from you is to be ready in front of your computer, tablet or smart phone and wait to be welcomed by your doctor. You can do this by accepting the therapist’s video call request, or over internet voice communication call, if you prefer to keep your consultation anonymous.
Simple pricing
Connecting therapists worldwide at affordable rates!
For Clients (Patients)
$0Booking Fee
You will not be charged unless you book an appointment.
For Therapists
%15session fee
You will be charged a 15% service fee only when an appointment is booked.
What our Clients say
We created a platform to help therapists and clients alike and they love it!
Due to my work as a journalist, I travel abroad reporting from different countries where things are not always as good as where I come from, so having emotional and mental support is very important to me. Thanks to Psychologists Online and whether I am in a war zone or the comfort of a luxury hotel, I can speak with someone in my language, with my cultural background, within minutes. Simply fantastic!
About Psychologists-Online
The easiest, most affordable, and effective solution for your mental health
Helping people in need is an essential part of our vision
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted or halted critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide while the demand for mental health is increasing, according to a new WHO survey. The survey of 130 countries provides the first global data showing the devastating impact of COVID-19 on access to mental health services and underscores the urgent need for increased funding.
One of the most underestimated issues humans face in modern times is mental health problems, affecting billions of people who in most cases have no access to professional help, while suffering in silence.
Thinking of a solution to this worldwide catastrophe, was created to provide an efficient, affordable, and flexible solution to those in need regardless of where they are, or the language they speak.
At we believe we have the best tools to put a stop to global mental suffering and are committed to it, by actively recruiting the most qualified and reputable therapists, psychologists, and counsellors from all over the globe, to make our tele-health software the biggest, and the most advanced consultation platform in the world.
So regardless of where you are or what language you speak, at we can help.
Join us and start living your new life today.
Why choose us?
The world’s most advance, affordable, and efficient booking and video consultation platform for psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors
Find therapists online anywhere in the world in minutes. Book a consultation in 3 easy steps.Free Signup
All our therapists are verified, professionally qualified, and trained with experience in private practices and public institutions.Accessible
Talk to a professional psychologist, counsellor, or therapist, wherever you are and in your own language. Start online counselling by video calling without the need of memberships or any application to video connect. It is all integrated and included with your consultation.Secure Payment
Globally accepted payment methods. Pay safely and easily by credit card, or any other payment methods accepted by PayPal or STRIPE.Ready to book your session?
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